March 9, 2014

After an Attack is Before an Attack

Not so surprisingly, the TTP announces a month's long cease fire and readiness for talks, after the army seriously hammered their hideouts in a row of airstrikes that sparked panic and disorientation among the militants. Willingly, the government accepts the offer and starts forming a new team, which should include members of the highest political level as well as the army.
The question persists, what the Pakistani state is ready to negotiate about - giving up some of its territory for a new Islamic Emirate, a new Islamic constitution with Sharia law, sharing the political power? The army is reluctant to join and is ready to fight, but wants the politicians to assume their responsibilities.

Two suicide bombers and their armed accomplices attack the Islamabad District Court in the middle of the city, on a regular Monday morning, killing at least eleven lawyers and a judge. "Ahrarul Hind" claims responsibility, a splinter group from the TTP and apparently after the judge who dismissed a case against former general Musharraf for having ordered the operation against the Lal Mosque, under siege by militants in 2007.
Musharraf's lawyers request a change of venue for his high treason trial after having received death threats from the Taliban.

The Chinese worry about the security of their compatriots living and working in Pakistan, before new investments would be considered. Not to worry, they are being told by the Prime Minister, as every worker would have two army personnel assigned to his protection…
China shares direct borders with Pakistan and Afghanistan and is stepping up its engagement, concerned about attacks from militant muslims in their own region Xinjiang and suspecting that they receive training from their colleagues in Pakistan. On his visit last week in Afghanistan, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi announced to work with Afghanistan and other neighbours to resolutely fight all terrorist forces, as NATO pulls out by the end of 2014 and a security agreement with the US appears quite uncertain.

Large areas of Sindh's Tharparkar district suffer from acute shortages of food, water and medicines after a severe drought. Only after more than 100 children died from malnutrition, the government takes action and orders distribution of wheat and inspection of the few hospitals that are completely
overwhelmed by the magnitude of the misery.

The High Court of Peshawar declares illegal the stopping and checking of vehicles carrying goods to Afghanistan, ending a nearly four month blockade of NATO supplies by PTI party activists that caused serious damage to the border traffic of all goods. Reluctantly, PTI chairman Imran Khan decides to end the blockade, not without pretending that this, his party's move, was responsible for the US decision to halt the use of drones.

Sargodhian Spirit Trust School is celebrating its 9th anniversary and invites the Diplomatic Corps to join for that purpose in Rashidabad in the Province of Sindh. Immediately agreed and confirmed, as this is the best, funniest and increasingly the only way for us diplomats to travel in the country!
The school is a charitable organization and provides high quality education to deprived, but talented children from all over the country, the founders come mainly from military background and Air Chief Marshall Tahir Rafiq Butt is the chief guest - his car's license plate giving a hint of the passenger's function and status, but definitely lacking the exoticism of the following evening's grand host's personal vehicle.

We leave the car park behind and move to the celebration, that offer an impressive succession of speeches, followed by an enthralling variety of cultural performances by the students themselves. Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun, Punjabi dances to their specific tunes, after which the stage is emptied, making now space for the real surprise. Doctor Faustus is appearing on the scene, an obviously widely inspiring character far beyond our German cultural horizon. The performance of this courageous young fellow surpasses easily our wildest expectations as he manages to reduce Goethe's drama, that usually demands the audience's concentrated attention for about three hours in a common theatre, into a fifteen minutes solo performance, only shortly interrupted by a male and mainly speechless Gretchen. Can even be summarized in one sentence, which was also the last one of the fast up and down pacing and elegantly gesturing actor: "If you sin, you will die, eternally". VoilĂ  - it's that simple, dear professors of German literature!

A healthy, simple lunch in the garden with the students, who impress with their knowledge, curiosity and determined aspirations, and admire the smart look of the police officers -

The so announced "luxury coaster" is waiting for us for the two hours drive to Hyderabad. Indeed, a lot of extras have been installed to heighten the comfort level of the passengers - and the driver!

We immediately realize, that we are not the only passengers, but merely add to a myriad of already cozily nestled mosquitos behind the thick orange curtains, who welcome us with air dances of excitement. Within minutes, my Turkish colleague proudly examines her handkerchief with a couple of dozen trophies of mere black spots, calling it her personal record of insect hunt!

A comfort, to lean back on the fresh and rose adorned VIP covers, that gives us immediately a feeling of preferred customers after the successful battle with the local wildlife.

The fondness for traditional crafts and decorations includes men - as with the beautiful trucks, the weapons make no exception. The glass beads embroidery combine the cap of the bearer and strap of the machine gun to an exclusive and stylish set.

The night is spent by the majority of the group at a sprawling estate of a Sindhi landlord and by a few in the guest rooms of the army barracks. Of course, I pick the straw for the barracks - but that comes with an impeccable service! A batman, who offers to clean the shoes and iron the shirts and another one to serve tea, a bathroom with a shower that alone could easily swallow a whole apartment in New York and a wide range of Gillette products neatly lined up on the four meter stretch of glass board on top of the sinks. I am in a man's world, no doubt about that.

Back home in Islamabad for a night and off to the Lahore Literary Festival, to another world, the one of intellectuals, writers, philosophers, journalists and artists - and of the Yuppies of Pakistan!
The second one to be organized in Lahore after the big success of those in the big sister city Karachi and now praised for its intimacy on the friendly premises, a program with international participants and an audience that is exhilarated by the talks, presentations, panel discussions and book launches; hard to decide which event to attend.

A panel discussion on the future of Afghanistan, famous Ahmed Rashid and Vali Nasr the stars, Hina Rabhani Khar, the former foreign minister, whipping with her stylish high heels, followed by a discussion on women writers and Alex von Tunzelmann - "Indian Summer" - reveals, that she is quite happy, that her name appears to be male, as she suspects, that one would be more hesitant to choose a female historian's book than one of a male writer! She is talking about the Western buyers of her books.
The program is mastered with iron punctuality and the women are the ones who asks most of the questions, appearing strong, self-confident and articulate. Our prejudices do not match reality, sometimes…


Anonymous said...

What a short version of Dr. Faustus! Seems to sum up the simplified current moral principals. Quite a contrast to the great outspoken and self-confident women at the Literary Festival! I love it. Best wishes, Franziska

Anonymous said...

Promise you'll write a book!!!!!! It is important! Love u. Nella

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