November 3, 2013

Two "Maharanis" in Lahore

Prime Minister Shariff embarks on two much anticipated official visits - one over the Atlantic and the other crossing the Channel. The setting on the photos sent back home change from traditional elegance with a fireplace between the posing protagonists (hoping, the lack of a warm fire in it is merely the expression of a mild autumn day in Washington) to the more austere look of regal British office atmosphere, a black vase with a few yellow and pink flowers between the two beige armchairs (no obvious abundance in that regard). The comments on the outcome vary, but agree there is not much news to be reported - the lingering issues being put on the table awaiting further discussions.

The drones are for sure one of them and a heated discussion flares up on the number of civilian casualties of the strikes that have been reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to range between 400 and 600 and the Ministry of Defence that counted 67 civilian casualties. Neither Amnesty International, nor the UN or the Pakistani government has had any investigators on the ground in the drone hit areas to gather reliable datas. No media has been allowed access and only personal accounts of affected family members and communities tell about their suffering.

Imran Khan, whose party runs the government of Khyber Pakhtunkwa, the hardest hit area by militants, presents a documentary (produced by his former wife Jemimah Khan), which tells the personal stories of affected people who suffered losses in their families, about their own injuries and the psychological fall out.

Only a few days later the news about a drone strike killing Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of Tehreek-e-Taliban, hits the country like a bombshell. He was caught in his recently built house with green lawns and marble floors, a fatal desire to settle - at least in between - into a more bourgeois lifestyle, obviously not advisable for a target of his stature.
The government is taken by surprise - a delegation on its way to get in touch with the TTP leadership about opening talks was being stopped right before the attack at the border to North Waziristan - and the statements express anger about the "sabotaged peace talks" and Imran Khan's party PTI threatens to choke the Nato supply routes to Afghanistan.
Infamous for his cruelty and bloody attacks especially against Pakistani security forces, his military skills and leadership abilities, called the "King of Terror", he is now laid to rest in a secret ceremony in order to avoid the funeral being the target of another drone strike and the TTP Shura is assembling to appoint a new leader today - the country holds its breath in anticipation of retaliation attacks.

More tensions erupt in divided Kashmir along the 740-kilometre Line of Control, that divides the larger Indian controlled part from the smaller Pakistani Northern part of the region across mountaintops and glaciers. Both countries claim the entire region for themselves and three wars have been waged between Pakistan and India - Kashmir appears to be a fortress, with allegedly half a million soldiers stationed by the Indians alone in Jammu Kashmir. The majority of the population are muslim, but in 1947 the maharaja requested military support from New Delhi and joined the Union of India after an attack from Pashtun tribal warriors from Pakistan. The people of Kashmir are paying the price for the dispute.

The old city of Lahore - an illusive dream to reach the hidden treasures and spots, the walled old town during official visits, sadly, but to the rescue comes the hospitality of the Protocol of the Foreign Ministry! Melted down from a larger group of spouses, we two remaining sisters in adventure embark on a tour that fulfills many of our dreams and lifts us in a former Maharaja's palace, where we are expected by a sumptuous "welcome snack" and servants asking for dresses to be ironed! No, no need, we left the elaborate silk saris at home, but ask for ice and orange juice instead later in the evening, as we chat into the night between the columns and under the starry sky on the terrace. He would bring both at the same time - which then takes quite a while... We wonder, until we learn that he pedaled with his bicycle to find an open shop in town to get the juice (I will certainly remember that experience one day with great nostalgia...)!

Walking through the walled inner city, where the small streets and alleys along our path are marked with white chalk powder for our welcome, we arrive at the beautiful mosque where we are expected with comfortable chairs to sit to change into black rubber slippers - the high guests are exempt from walking in socks or barefoot. Small groups of young students sit and study with their teachers in various corners of the mosque, undisturbed by the visitors at this early morning hour.

An old Sikh temple with the elaborately carved rosewood bed for the Holy Book (our grandmothers would not have seen much of a difference to their matrimonial beds) makes for a comfortable rest. We are very warmly welcomed and hear praise about the long history of tolerance between religions that is so sadly threatened these days.

The journey continues, along the magical white marks...

... and through such narrow alleys, that one assumes neighbors really, really get to know each other very well, to the Badshahi Mosque, one of the oldest in the city, excavations bring marks of old baths and steam rooms as part of the site and in the strikingly plain painted main hall a guard of the mosque steps in one of the niches, crosses his arms in front of his chest and starts singing, that love be deeper than the ocean, as even the deepest part of the sea could be measured, but never the depth of love. Touching silence for a long moment, after the song.

A shopkeeper is closing her beauty parlor...

...and we continue for a last visit of the day to Sheikhupura for the Deer Tower, a one hour drive outside Lahore, a maharaja's place for hunting and the setting sun evokes the times when wild animals gathered at the lake, ideally placed for the princely hunters to aim and shoot with their arrows.

The care and protection leaves nothing to be desired for or worried about and we are queenly accompanied on every step of our walk through history, streets and buildings and guided by wonderfully caring hosts.

A special trained force leaves, literally, no place for fear - that counts for the protector as well as for the protected, I assume.


Anonymous said...

Thank u dear. So sad for such a beautiful country and peaceful culture. Reminds me of north India.take care.

Anonymous said...

Regula - what a wonderful trip to Lahore despite all the turmoil - makes us want to visit with you again!
Love, Franziska and Felix

Unknown said...

Excellent post! Hope you were able to visit the Royal Trail and Faqir Khana Museum in the Old City... I believe they're doing some fabulous restoration work of the old buildings and narrow lanes there.


Regula Bubb said...

Yes, Jamil, we really did visit the Faqir Khana Museum - of course, with the charming guidance of Faquir, leading through his house full of treasures and well equipped with magnifying glasses to see all the tiny details on the miniature paintings, while listening to his many touching stories hidden in the paintings and that only he could know...

Whispering Gums said...

Lovely post Regula ... Love how you mix political horror with things more lovely and hopeful in your posts.

Drones ... Will we never stop thinking of new ways to wage war?

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