February 25, 2012

On the Road in Sindh

The seven missing prisoners from Rawalpindi's Adiala Jail have finally been presented at the Supreme Court upon the order of Chief Justice Chaudhry, barely able to walk or talk. The people present in Court were reportedly horrified by their appearance. An investigation has been opened and the involved agencies were ordered to produce the full records from the day they were detained, including the four prisoners who died in custody. "Humanity means something", Chief Justice Chaudhry proclaimed at the hearing.

The Pakistani Supreme Court adjourns the next hearing in the contempt case against PM Gilani until February 28th and Memogate continues to simmer with Mansoor Ijaz, the Pakistani-US businessman at the center of the story being questioned in London these days.

Inviting Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy in Karachi for a luncheon, a year after she presented her documentary "Pakistan's Taliban Generation" in New York at OTR is a tremendous pleasure, sharing her joy about the recent Academy's Oscar Nomination for her last documentary "Saving Face" about acid crimes in Pakistan. These crimes are the most hideous attacks on women, robbing them of their visual identity, leaving them with immeasurable pain and endless surgeries, if there are means available at all. The attackers are rarely identified, even less prosecuted.
Curious, courageous, very talented and determined to stay in Pakistan and help to improve the conditions in her country, outspoken, fun loving and beautiful, she is a young urban woman that contrasts sharply with the picture of Pakistani women usually depicted by the media abroad.

Heading for the Oscar Ceremony - important decisions have to be taken! After our lunch she is leaving for a fitting with the young and upcoming designer Sania Maskatiya - her style wonderfully comfortable to wear yet very glamorous, her embroideries of stunning beauty, a craftsmanship still very much alive in Pakistan. Another discovery here, very talented fashion designers combining the sensuality of the east with the elegance of the west.

Our next stops in Karachi give me the opportunity to wear alternately nylon cap, mouth guard, plastic head cap, respiratory protection, shoe covers, earplugs, nose guard, only the hands free for shaking them tirelessly with friendly and patient hosts, who eagerly explain what they are doing:

Denim Jeans production from the refinement of the fibre all the way to the elaborate process of perfect maltreatment of the product in the end - who wants a freshly looking pair of pants these days! This plant produces 40 000 Jeans per day for various brands in Europe and the United States.

Printing money to pay for them - a Swiss company is leading in the production of money paint. Who would doubt their professionalism in that field!

The sophistication of Gate Gourmet Karachi - in case you ever wondered where those neatly packed small bowls, plates and boxes during flights might come from.

The journey continues North through the countryside of Interior Sindh near the border to Beluchistan, adventurous ride to Ranikot, allegedly the largest Fort in the world with a perimeter of 50km, its history still largely unknown and no actual archaeological research being done - the last study dates from 1965.
The unique atmosphere makes up for the lack of knowledge  - solitude and serenity, driving through a stunning landscape, a kind of road barely visible, rivers without bridges to cross.

A night at the estate of a Landlord in a world so different from what we know. The owner, a young politician from Karachi, comes here regularly to look after what he calls  "his village". His many employees live in utter poverty, but his life is surprisingly modest and no signs of luxury; the land has to support many and last years flooding affected the fields and irrigation system badly.
A late night hunt promises excitement, despite very cold temperature, but no animal looses its life, deers are protected and the boars faster than our Jeep. The Kalashnikow that I am given is of no use in this case anyway - I spare you that picture.

The journey back to Karachi, endless hours that melt into one another, giving a feeling of transcendence, driving through villages and virtually one step afar from street life, in slow motion, all behind bulletproof glass that swallows every sound and taste. A surreal passage through a distant world that could not be closer and music from the ipod that matches surprisingly well the scenery - changing from Schubert to Blues. Different senses combine and create unexpected harmony and a journey that goes far beyond the miles actually driven in the car.

Protection is generously provided and gives a wonderful feeling of security whenever the safety of the car has to be abandoned. An Ambassador is walking a few steps and is obviously enjoying full attention of caring escorts - all the while his "trailing spouse" is meandering behind completely unnoticed.


Gajus Scheltema said...

Quite a trailer:)!

Anonymous said...

This amazing photo essay is to be relished for the varied entries it contains. Can't believe all that you are doing and seeing, and, in the process, helping us understand this country of contradictions.

I was thrilled to hear that you have seen Sharmeen. We are rooting for her to win the Oscar Sunday night. She will be at Asia Society on March 5 and Harvard Club in May. And HBO is showing "Saving Face" on March 8.

Anonymous said...

It was exciting to see Sharmeen win the Oscar! Rory

Anonymous said...

Diese Gegensätze in dem Land, die Du uns in Deinem blog immer wieder offenbarst, gepaart mit Deinen persönlichen Erlebnissen - einfach toll, Danke! Anke & Max

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